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浏览量:214     所属栏目:【产品中心】    时间:2024-10-13
本文摘要:Xiaomi Inc., the startup that has rattled Chinas smartphone market with its fast-selling handsets, is looking to tap its international fan base for help as it tries to expand abroad, according to its new American executive.小米(Xiaomi Inc.)全球副总裁巴拉(Hugo Barra)回应,公司谋求藉助海外粉丝的力量构建海外扩展。

Xiaomi Inc., the startup that has rattled Chinas smartphone market with its fast-selling handsets, is looking to tap its international fan base for help as it tries to expand abroad, according to its new American executive.小米(Xiaomi Inc.)全球副总裁巴拉(Hugo Barra)回应,公司谋求藉助海外粉丝的力量构建海外扩展。作为初创企业,小米已凭藉快速增长的手机销量在中国智能手机市场异军突起。Xiaomi Global Vice President Hugo Barra, the former Google Inc. official who joined the Chinese company in October, said the smartphone maker--which in recent months began selling phones in Hong Kong and Taiwan--will likely next begin sales in Southeast Asia, though he didnt give a time frame.这位谷歌(Google Inc.)前高管于今年10月份重新加入小米。

他回应,小米下一步有可能开始在东南亚市场展开销售,不过他未得出一个时间表。最近几个月,小米早已开始在香港和台湾销售手机。Xiaomi plans to make use of its fans in other markets to popularize its phones and overcome language and border barriers, Mr. Barra said. We have fans everywhere, Mr. Barra said in an interview, his first with foreign media in China. Were on a mission. We want to have an impact in the world.巴拉称之为,小米计划藉助其他市场的粉丝力量来推展旗下手机并解决语言和国界障碍。他在中国首次拒绝接受外媒专访时称,小米在全球各地都有粉丝,公司肩负愿景,期望能在全球充分发挥影响力。

Started in 2010 by Chinese entrepreneur Lei Jun, closely held Xiaomi sells high-end phones for prices close to cost. Its flagship Mi 3 phone costs $326, less than half the price of top models from Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Xiaomi, which is worth $10 billion according to its most recent round of fundraising, expects to sell about 20 million handsets in 2013.中国企业家雷军于2010年创办了小米,以相似成本的价格销售高端手机。该公司旗舰产品小米手机3 (Mi 3)的价格为326美元,较苹果公司(Apple Inc.)和三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)的高端手机价格低了多达50%。根据最近一轮融资的信息,小米估值超过了100亿美元。

该公司预计今年将卖出大约2,000万部手机。Xiaomis operating platform--currently available in English and Chinese--can be downloaded onto computers world-wide, enabling tech enthusiasts to experience Xiaomis interface without owning one of its phones.小米操作者平台可在全球范围内的电脑iTunes,没用于小米手机的科技发烧友也可以体验产品界面。目前小米操作者平台反对英语和中文两种语言。

To cultivate a fan base, Xiaomi gives its users and fans direct input into what features and updates it adds to its operating platform, which runs on top of Googles Android operating system. It updates its software weekly, free of charge.为培育粉丝群体,小米容许用户和粉丝直接参与其操作者平台的追加功能和改版。小米每周都会改版软件,软件是免费的。小米的操作者平台是基于谷歌安卓(Android)操作系统上研发的。

The model has won the company more than five million registered users on its Chinese forum and more than 100,000 on its English forum, according to Mr. Barra, who said Xiaomi has forums in 21 countries outside China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Its dedicated users report bugs, offer suggestions for new features and translate its software into other local languages available in unofficial versions.巴拉称之为,上述模式为公司在旗下中文论坛上谋求到了多达500万名登记用户,在旗下英文论坛上谋求到了多达10万名登记用户。巴拉还称之为,小米在中国大陆、台湾和香港以外的21个国家都有论坛。

这些乐意奉献给的用户报告系统缺失,获取有关新的特性的建议,并将其软件翻译成其他语言并重制到非官方版本。Mr. Barra said the process is a powerful tool to attract users. Followers in other countries are also the first people that are going to purchase a Xiaomi product when its available in their country and get the word out and be brand ambassadors, he said.巴拉称之为,上述机制是一种更有用户的有力工具。他称之为,其他国家的粉丝也就是那些不会在小米产品于当地上市时出售产品、协助小米宣传并当作品牌大使的第一批人。Analyst have wondered whether Xiaomis crowdsourcing of input will be as effective outside China, where the company is relatively unknown. In recent months it began selling handsets in Hong Kong and Taiwan--new markets, but where its Chinese-language services already have a ready audience.一些分析师考虑到,小米在手机输入法上采行的“众包在”模式否也不会在中国以外起着某种程度效果,因为该公司在中国以外的名气还比较较小。

近几个月来,小米早已开始在香港和台湾发售手机,这是两个新的市场,但该公司的中文服务早已早已在这些新的市场更有了一些注目者。They will probably not be able to have as many Xiaomi fans as they do in Taiwan and China, so the hope is just being cheap will attract customers, said Forrester analyst Bryan Wang.福里斯特研究公司(Forrester)分析师Bryan Wang称之为,小米有可能无法再行取得与台湾和中国大陆一样多的粉丝,因此不能寄希望于通过低价更有客户。Mr. Barra said that the company will likely follow the model it took to expand into Taiwan, which he says was in many ways experimental. First the company began shipping phones that were ordered on its Taiwan website directly to the country. Then it established a distribution center and hosted an event at which around 400 users spent time with executives, offering software suggestions, singing karaoke and playing games. A number of fans from the companys forum helped to organize the event.巴拉称之为,公司可能会延用其在进占台湾市场时采行的模式。


We experiment very aggressively and were going to be constantly looking for ways to scale aggressively, he said. Xiaomi wouldnt elaborate on sales figures in Taiwan, or longer-term sales targets abroad.巴拉称之为,小米展开了十分大胆的试验,今后将大大找寻大胆扩展的途径。小米不愿更进一步评论台湾的销售数据,也不愿明确解释海外市场的中长期销售目标。

Mr. Barra said the company was looking at Southeast Asia next due to the regions large population, relative proximity to China, and the likely draw in those markets of cheaper smartphones with features that compare to those of higher-end phones made by companies like Samsung.他还称之为,公司已将东南亚地区作为下一个着眼点,因为该地区人口众多,距中国比较较将近,而且这些市场有可能对价格更加较低、特性与三星电子等公司生产的高端手机类似于的智能手机具有较小市场需求。Mr. Wang, of Forrester, said Xiaomi will likely have to tweak its business model abroad, charging more for phones to make the margins to support the outlays it will take to expand into those countries. Currently, the company maintains low margins on the phones it sells with the idea that it can eventually make money off its millions of users by selling accessories and services like content, games or applications.福里斯特研究的Bryan Wang称之为,小米有可能将必须在海外市场调整业务模式,通过提升手机售价来提升利润率,以便协助公司保持在涉及国家扩展的费用。目前小米把销售手机的利润率保持在低水平,指出公司最后能依靠多达百万的用户群体、通过出售内容、游戏或应用于等周边产品和服务来利润。Mr. Barra admitted it could be hard to push abroad, but also said he believed the model that has led to the companys push was applicable beyond China.巴拉否认,公司有可能无法进占海外,但他还是坚信,协助小米大大扩展的模式也限于于中国以外的地区。

That concept of I dont need to see a billboard of your product, just sell it to me for a little bit less is very powerful, and people get it, he said.他回应,有一种消费观念是“我不必须去看你们产品的宣传,只必须你们用较低一点的价格卖给我”,这种观念十分强劲,人们也心知肚明。



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