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彩神Vll:双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第118期:小浪底
浏览量:872     所属栏目:【产品中心】    时间:2024-10-14
本文摘要:Xiaolangdi Hydro Project小浪底水利枢纽工程Xiaolangdi Hydro Project, a large modern water conservancy project, is located on the lower reaches of the Yellow River, 40km north of the ancient city of Luoyang in central Chinas Henan Province. As a key Chinese national project, Xiaolangdi Hydro Project is the largest of its kind on the Yellow River and second only to the Three Gorges project on the Yangtze River. It consists of a 1617m-long, 154m-high dam, silt-discharge channels and underground generating units. Preparatory work began in 1991. Main orders were placed in September 1994. One of the landmark events of the project involved diverting the Yellow River. This took place on 28 0ctober 1997 and became a national occasion. The dam received state approval and started storing water in October 1999.It was connected to the grid in January in 2000 and the whole projed was completed in 2001.在河南省洛阳以北40千米处,一座现代化的特大型水利枢纽,小浪底水利枢纽工程,矗立在黄河最后一段峡谷之上。

Xiaolangdi Hydro Project小浪底水利枢纽工程Xiaolangdi Hydro Project, a large modern water conservancy project, is located on the lower reaches of the Yellow River, 40km north of the ancient city of Luoyang in central Chinas Henan Province. As a key Chinese national project, Xiaolangdi Hydro Project is the largest of its kind on the Yellow River and second only to the Three Gorges project on the Yangtze River. It consists of a 1617m-long, 154m-high dam, silt-discharge channels and underground generating units. Preparatory work began in 1991. Main orders were placed in September 1994. One of the landmark events of the project involved diverting the Yellow River. This took place on 28 0ctober 1997 and became a national occasion. The dam received state approval and started storing water in October 1999.It was connected to the grid in January in 2000 and the whole projed was completed in 2001.在河南省洛阳以北40千米处,一座现代化的特大型水利枢纽,小浪底水利枢纽工程,矗立在黄河最后一段峡谷之上。小浪底水利枢纽工程现为黄河上仅次于的水利工程,次于长江三峡水利枢纽工程,科中国国家重点项目。


Xiaolangdi Project, designed to trap and flush sediments on the lower reaches of the Yellow River, could cope during the summer flood season. Xiaolangdi Hydro Project has been subjected to devastating Yellow River floods and has played an irreplaceable role in the agricultural area alongside.In addition, the l,836mw Xiaolangdi Project is generating 5. 1 billion kwh of electricity a year.Xiaolangdi is a multi-purpose project for dredging, flood control, ice control, industrial and municipal water supply and hydroelectric power.It is the key project of Yellow River Projects, considered as one of the most complicated and challenging hydroelectric projects in the world.黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程的竣工有效地掌控了黄河下游沉积物,基本中止黄河下游凌汛威胁。小浪底水利枢纽工程不仅时刻确保着中国母亲河的岁岁安澜,也为沿线农业地区充分发挥着不能代替的关键性起到。除此之外,小浪底电站总装机183.6万千瓦,年平均发电量51亿千瓦时。小浪底水利枢纽工程是黄河干流上的一座集减淤积、防洪、防凌、供水灌溉、发电等为一体的大型综合性水利工程,是管理研发黄河的关键性工程,被中外水利专家称作世界上最简单的水利工程之一,是最不具挑战性的工程。



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